汉语拼音:shì bù liǎng lì
指敌对双方矛盾尖锐,不能并存。《战国策·楚策一》:“两国敌侔交争,其势不两立。” 势:情势。立:存。
- 【解释】:两立:双方并立。指敌对的双方不能同时存在。比喻矛盾不可调和。
- 【出自】:《战国策·楚策一》:“秦之所害于天下莫如楚,楚强则秦弱,楚弱则秦强,此其势不两立。”
- 【示例】:这饮马川贼人这等可恶!几番来搅扰,与他~!
◎清·陈忱《水浒后传》第二十回 - 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;用于人与事物
Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams politically.
在我身体里存活着,另一个我势不两立地尖叫That this broke with communist dogma about the inevitable conflict between socialist and capitalist systems was clear.
很明显,他的构想与认为社会主义制度和资本主义制度势不两立的共产党教条分道扬镳。Now that they were so much in the spotlight, and in the money, they fell into bickering, demoralized, warring factions.
由于过多地暴露在聚光灯下,手里又握着大把的钞票,他们陷入了争吵不休、意志消沉和势不两立的内讧当中。He was trying to create an atmosphere of utter irreconcilability which left no roads open.
他正试图制造一种绝对势不两立、不留任何后路的气氛。Even the most loving relationship can degenerate into a vicious struggle between bitter enemies.
即使是最恩爱的关系也可以演变成势不两立如仇敌之间的恶斗。The two sides in Libya's crisis appeared entrenched, and the direction it takes next could depend on which can hold out longest.
利比亚危机中的交战双方势不两立,下一步的走势取决于哪一方能坚持地更久。Our hatred for each other is absolutely irreconcilable. You and I are at daggers drawn.
我们的仇恨不共戴天,我与你势不两立。It's very plain that the old man and I will remain at daggers-drawn to the end of our lives.
很明显,我同老头子至死也是势不两立。He was always balanced in that place where incompatibilities try to resolve themselves.