It is a method with fewer investment amount and better effect that the general spinning machine be innovated to spin fine denier filament.
对普通纺丝设备进行改造以达到纺制细旦长丝的目的是一条投资少、见效快的途径。Difference of cationic overall trading volume is small, and some of the fine denier products prices are still down.
差别化的阳离子丝整体交易量不大,而部分细旦产品价格仍有下调。Overall sales of polyester filament market situation is not good, fine denier FDY products larger allowance range.
涤丝市场整体销售形势不佳,FDY细旦产品让价幅度较大。Difference of cationic silk trading volume is small, and individual fine denier product price cut.
差别化的阳离子丝交易量不大,而且个别细旦产品报价下调。Blending technology of Australian medium wools and fine denier polyester fibers is researched in worsted system.
研究澳大利亚半细羊毛和细旦涤纶纤维混纺工艺技术。The application of rare-earth compds, in tine -denier polyamide fiber dyed with reactive dyes was researched.
研究了稀土在细旦锦纶活性染料染色中的应用及其对染色效果的影响。Light coarse denier FDY class series requirements can, great light and fine denier FDY class sales weak, prices this week has decreased.
大有光FDY类粗旦系列产品需求尚可,而大有光FDY类细旦销售偏弱,价格走势这一周也有下跌。Seen from the variety trend, FDY63D, 50D fine denier filament manufacturer to ship on the market.
从品种走势看,市场上FDY63D、50D细旦丝厂家出货尚可。Seen from the variety trend, FDY75D, 63D fine denier filament manufacturer to ship on the market, but POY, DTY overall sales in General.