If it uses the money to acquire a major rival like Tudou, which is reportedly up for sale ( previous post), then so much the better.
如果优酷利用这笔资金并购了一个重量级的对手,譬如待价而沽的土豆网,那就更好了。Besides, Hetty, suppose you was a wife, now, having married some young man of your own years, and state, and color-Hurry, for instance.
再说,海蒂,假如你嫁给了一个年岁、社会地位和肤色都和你相同的年轻人,譬如说嫁给了赫利。For instance, other stressors, such as pesticides and a lack of good nutrition, may be behind the bees' lack of resistance, she said.
她说到,就好像其他压力,譬如杀虫剂以及营养的匮乏,也是蜜蜂不能抵抗的潜在因素。Valueclick, for instance, was trading below the cash it had in the bank.
譬如说,Valueclick当时的市值低于它在银行的现金。If a language has no future tense, for instance, its speakers would simply not be able to grasp our notion of future time.
譬如,如果一种语言没有表示未来时态这一概念,说话人理所当然地,就无法抓住未来时间的这一理念。But then there's idiocy, like the beginning of last season when fans and journalists insisted on calling Odom the fourth best Laker.
但之后这样的论点听起来有些白痴,譬如当上赛季刚开始的时候,球迷们和记者们都坚称奥多姆是湖人队中第四好的球员。Every object in the opera comes alive and is a gigantic music instrument, like this chandelier. It takes up the whole stage.
歌剧中的所有道具都是活的、巨型的乐器。譬如,占据舞台很大部份的一盏“吊灯”。But when men lie, it is often nonverbal, as in doing what he says he would not do or not doing what he promised he would do.
但男人撒谎,通常是非语言的,譬如去做他说不会做的事情,或者不做他答应要做的事情。But we got such a kick out of your cute eyewitness accounts, what with the stories of our big dark eyes and little arms and all.