She was a quiet, plain-looking woman, with her hair in a bun, pulled severely back from her face.
她是个少言寡语,长相一般的女人。她的头发平贴地向后紧梳着,在头后面梳成一个髻。As you snap your left heal up off the floor, your right heal should simultaneously snap down onto the floor.
当你左脚竖直点地的同时你的右脚要迅速贴地。The interfaced forward looking infrared (FLIR) system and a voice altitude warning system to provide enhanced terrain clearance operations.
前视红外系统和语音高度告警系统大大方便了低空贴地飞行的操作。The Vizier took Aladdin's mother to the Sultan, and she put her head on the ground at his feet.
大臣把阿拉丁的母亲带到苏丹的面前,她俯首贴地拜倒在苏丹的脚前。These all fly close to the speed of sound for up to about 200km (124 miles) using precision-guidance systems to skim over land or water.
这些导弹都接近音速,射程高达200公里(124英里),利用其精确制导系统贴地或掠波飞行,使它们很难被侦测到。Formed through radiative cooling, the surface fog layer was followed by a cloud layer caused by lowlevel cold advection.
结果表明,此次雾过程首先由地面辐射冷却形成贴地雾层,而后因低空平流冷却形成低云。The Invisible Man frightened Marvel into accompanying him to the Coach and Horses Inn to get his clothing and three Books.
隐身人把这人吓唬得服服贴贴地陪他到车马客店去取他的衣服和三本书。The thickness of the surface fog layer increased and the cloud layer descended to lower altitudes in the development stage.
在发展阶段,伴随低云不断下伸,贴地雾层不断抬升。A similar thing, called ground effect, can happen when an aircraft gets very close to the ground.