And yet, why is it that, in creative writing courses today, the very first thing we teach students is write what you know?
然而,为什么这么说,在如今的创新写作课程中,最初交给学生的事情就是写下你所知道的?He wastes his time over his writing, trying to accomplish what geniuses and rare men with college educations sometimes accomplish.
他把时间浪费在写作上,想做的事只有天才和少数受过大学教育的人才能偶尔做到。Practice writing emails to be short, respectful, and to the point. No one wants to read an essay in email format.
练习写作电子邮件,做到简单明了且有礼貌。没有人想读一封像散文一样的电子邮件。Creative expression of any kind (art, crafts, cooking, decorating, writing) can bring along a great deal of positive emotion.
任意一种创造性表达(艺术,手工艺,厨艺,装饰,写作)都可以带来许多积极的情绪。He always wrote to be understood, to persuade, not to impress or to obfuscate.
他总是为被理解、为说服去写作,而不是为了哗众取宠或模糊是非。This book introduces you to a number of techniques that you will find useful in both your reading and writing .
本书介绍了一系列思考方法,你会发现无论是在阅读还是写作方面都收益匪浅。White granted access to his papers on condition that he be allowed to read and comment upon the biography in progress.
怀特允许埃里奇查阅他的私人资料,条件是他可以在传记写作过程中,随时阅读并评论。But trying to write something that made up its own rules as it went along was always going to be unnerving.
但是写作一个边行进边构建自身规则的东西总是令人疲惫的。Her mother tells her to write because that always made her happy.