By this token, showing invisible on QQ has been a habitual tide. My QQ is always invisible, how about you? What's your choice?
由此看来,QQ隐身已成为一种习惯的潮流。我的QQ是习惯隐身的,你呢?每天上QQ后,你会不会隐身?The good story-teller does not put himself at the center of the story. His presence is often not noticed.
好的说书人并不会让自己变成故事的中心,他们往往隐身幕后。Until his appearance in the Chamber of Deputies for the vote, he had been invisible for a week.
直到他现身众议院参与投票为止,他已经“隐身”有一个星期之久。Maybe I never became your "Allows you to see" , so I could not close you.
也许我从来都不曾成为你的“隐身对其可见”,所以我未曾走近你的世界。Scientists predict that invisibility will be possible for objects of any shape and size within the next decade.
科学家们预测十年内,各种形状和大小的物体隐身将成为可能。A cloak made of those materials, with a structure designed down to the submicroscopic scale, would neither reflect light nor cast a shadow.
在亚显微层面上设计出隐身斗篷制造材料,既不会反射光线,也不会产生投影。It is understood that the writers of very hot abroad, the domestic these two years is beginning to pay attention this issue.
据了解,隐身衣的研究在国外非常热,国内这两年也开始关注这个问题。This week a team of physicists and materials scientists announced it had devised a pattern for a potentially perfect invisibility cloak.
本周,一个由物理学家和材料学家组成的小组宣布,该小组已经设计出了原型机,未来可用于制造高性能的隐身衣。In order to see light, the eye must absorb it, but in order for a person to be invisible, the body must not absorb any light.