汉语拼音:tǔ bēng wǎ jiě
- 【解释】:瓦解:制瓦时先把陶土制成圆筒形,分解为四,即成瓦,比喻事物的分裂。像土崩塌,瓦破碎一样,不可收拾。比喻彻底垮台。
- 【出自】:《鬼谷子·抵山戏》:“君臣相惑,土崩瓦解而相伐射。”《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“秦之积衰,天下土崩瓦解。”
- 【示例】:逊督促诸军四面蹙之,~,死者万数。
◎清·平步青《霞外捃屑》卷七 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义
But Mr Castro stopped trying to overthrow Latin American governments more than two decades ago, shortly before his Soviet sponsor collapsed.
但卡斯特罗已于20多年前停止了对拉美政府的颠覆活动,之后不久苏联就土崩瓦解了。It was a totally unexpected tactic and in just a few minutes the whole enemy army was decimated.
这是个完全出乎意外的战术,仅仅几分钟后整个敌军就土崩瓦解。It's when you realise this is the sort of idiocy in play that this law falls apart.
这个法案将在你意识到这是一种白痴的闹剧时土崩瓦解。Such laws will fuel the growth of the public-sector unions that are bankrupting local governments across the United States.
这些法律对那些正在让全美的地方政府土崩瓦解的公共部门工会的成长将如虎添翼。Residents of the city began to stream into streets to welcome the opposition troops and celebrate for the collapse of Gadhafi's rule.
的黎波里居民纷纷走上街头欢迎反对派军队,并庆祝卡扎菲政权土崩瓦解。Mr Obama's supporters seem to believe that all they need to do is huff and puff and the old order in Washington will come tumbling down.
奥巴马的支持者想当然的以为只要他们威胁恫吓一番,华盛顿的旧秩序就能土崩瓦解。He could not bring himself to admit the growing disintegration of what he had striven all his life to achieve .
他不能让自己承认他终生为之奋斗的东西正在日益土崩瓦解。And the seemingly solid legislative majority that ushered him in may fall apart after the November elections.
而且,看上去坚不可摧,并一直指引奥巴马的立法机构的主体,也在11月的选举之后土崩瓦解。But faith in the financial alchemy of this single currency has spectacularly crumbled, just as faith in those CDOs fell apart.