
汉语拼音:yí sòng



  1. 犹转送。

    《清会典事例·户部·杂赋茶课》:“由陆路者,自 河南 陕州 验引,移送 潼关 秤盘截角。”《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第二一条:“上级人民法院可以指定下级人民法院审判管辖不明的案件,也可以指定下级人民法院将案件移送其他人民法院审判。”


    • By default, the kill command sends the SIGTERM signal.

      默认情况下, 杀死指挥移送sigterm信号.

    • Li Wei has now been transferred to judicial organs.


    • After segmentation , the fertilized eggs are transferred from the dish into the uterus.

      在细胞分裂之后, 受精卵被移送至子宫内.

    • Pillar of Shame removed from Lingnam College to Baptist University, place outsideRun Run Shaw Building's podium.


    • Within total , transfer to the judiciary constitute a criminal offense of 24 major cases.

      其中, 向司法机关移送涉嫌构成刑事犯罪的重大案件24起.

    • Every thursday the transfer of the week are summed up and added to last week's expenses.


    • Final decision to approve renewal of registration, renewal procedures for handling the transfer and Trademark Office.

      终局决定核准续展注册的, 移送商标局办理续展手续.

    • Generally, the seller must make arrangements with the carrier for the transit of goods.

      一般情况下, 卖方与承运人共同安排货物的移送.

    • The Court votes first on the writ, requiring four yes votes to hear the case.

      法庭首先会就移送令投票, 审理案件需要四个赞成票.