
汉语拼音:huàn dēng



  1. 利用强光和透镜的装置,映射在白幕上的图画或文字。如:放幻灯;看幻灯。

  2. 指将一定大小的透明图片(如幻灯片、照相底片、电影底片等)放大并成像于幕上的幻灯机。


    • It is a far cry from a magic lantern to television.


    • This morning we are going to have a slide show class.


    • Slides are shown once a week in their physics class.


    • They video lessons, watch slides, listen to tapes and so on.

      他们上录相课, 看幻灯, 听录音等等.

    • Lecture note slideshows available for each week of this course.


    • They have video lessons, watch slides, listen to tapes and so on.

      他们上录相课, 看幻灯, 听录音等等.

    • They also show lantern - slides describing the outstanding events in the locality.


    • Try creating a slideshow using new slideshow themes.


    • Institution education Audio - Visual education earliest had begun to promote cotton cultivation using logic light and film.

      推行 电化教育 最早的高等学校金陵大学已开始用幻灯、电影宣传棉花种植.

    • The information in this slide kit is meant to inform, not replace, individual practitioner judgment.

      此幻灯集里所涉及的内容仅为告知, 不能取代具体从业医生的个人见解.

    • Prototype samples do not need to be made free pictures, slides, animation, film and other forms.

      不需要样品样机的可免费制成图片 、 幻灯 、 动画 、 影视等形式.

    • These are the slide, - way audio - visual media such as television can not match.

      这些是幻灯, 电视等单向电教媒体无法比拟的.

    • Do not depend too much on Power Point and eliminate the use of'bullet points '.

      不要太过于依赖PPT幻灯,尽量少用像开会那般的 ‘ 标记点句 ’.

    • All class teachers with 29 - inch color TV, projector equipment, arrangement of uniform norms.

      各班教师全部配备29英寸彩电 、 幻灯设备, 布置规范统一.

    • Use color slide film that can be processed overnight, such as Kodak Ektachrome or Fuji.

      请使用能够隔夜即冲洗完毕的彩色幻灯底片, 如柯达Ektachrom或是 富士牌.