Cotton is one of the Chaoyang specialty known as "Beyond the Great Yin-hua, " said.
棉花是朝阳的特产之一,素有“塞外银花”之称。Since the Western Han Dynasty in northern Shanxi Province is an important county is also leading to formation of Taiyuan, transport hub.
西汉以来就是山西北部的一个重要县份,也是太原通向塞外的交通枢纽。Jiangnan is " world April Fangfei as" the spring come late, north of the Great Wall is the " February spring like scissors" .
江南早已是“人间四月芳菲尽”了,春来迟的塞外才是“二月春风似剪刀”。We also read Don Quixote from the tip of Cervantes' pen, who led us to a lighthearted laugh during a busy life with his absurdity and humor.
同时我们也读到了塞外提斯笔下的堂吉诃德,无厘头的荒唐与滑稽让我们在忙碌的生活中得以开怀一笑。There's also the yili area called beauty is dreamy, mountain ridge mountains, GouGou hollow depression, is green.
有塞外情人之称的伊犁也是美得如梦似幻,山山岭岭,沟沟洼洼,无处不绿。The vast , clear skies and gentle breeze indicated a good time for travel .
入秋之初的塞外,天空晴朗,和风习习,正是旅游的好时节。Gallop on a horse whilie appreciating the endless scenery outside the Great Wall!
纵马驰骋,赏塞外无尽风光What does the term "sai wai" used by ancient Chinese mean?
古代中国人所说的“塞外”指的是什么?Promise made in middle of no where, poem whisper at pillows side. Only love at heart it stays.