All this, said in campus, especially the dining room of a school, so scattered distribution cater to all students of building.
都说民以食为天,在学园里这点尤其突出,学校的食堂分布较分散,以便照顾到各个宿舍楼的学生。Loves hot dogs sold in the Garden cafeteria. Uses close combat fighting.
特别喜爱吃学园食堂所售的热狗。使用近距离的强力格斗技来重创敌人。I'm on the executive committee for the Garden Festival.
我是学园节日的执行委员会的成员。Pre-schools should mainly be play schools, centered on this kind of discovery learning and the teaching of basic social skills.
幼儿园应该是以这种发现式学习和基础社会技能教育为中心的游乐学园。The author was a result of the original naughty school drop-out, Pakistan came to the academy.
作者因淘气被原学校退学后,来到巴学园。But since the Second World War have a chain of the war, H-bomb was finally Palestine School became ruins.
但因为第二次世界大战连环不断的战争,巴学园最终还是被炸弹轰成了废墟。Some essential elements found in the goji fruit are lyceum barbarum which are key ingredients shown to be effective antioxidants.
有些要素发现,在原产水果学园枸杞,其中的关键成分被证明是有效的抗氧化剂。The free schools and academy programme are a divisive and unnecessary experiment with this.
免费学校和学园计划就是这样的不必要的割裂我们的教育系统的实验。College Hill Fundamental Academy, magnet school, Cincinnati Public Schools.