He is dull sometimes, and yet once in a while he surprises us with his exceptional clairvoyance!
他有时候表现的很迟钝,但是有时候他以异常的洞察力让我们感到惊奇!Late marriage is often an indicator of a discerning, goal oriented individual.
晚婚通常是个体具有洞察力以及目标性的表现。A particularly insightful question about how the company has handled potential challenges can demonstrate your own expertise in the field.
特别具有洞察力的关于该公司曾经如何迎接潜在挑战的问题能够表现出你在该领域的专长。He was also something of an empath, intuitively alert, it would seem, to what was going on behind those faces.
他亦是一位伟大的神使,似乎能够直觉地洞察那些面孔之下的心理状态。It's one thing to see into the foggy future with acuity and chart the course corrections that the company must make.
敏锐地洞察迷雾重重的未来并勾勒出企业所需的航向调整是一码事。Yes, you need to use your eyes to look into the future, seeing hopefully just a few miles farther than most of your peers.
是的,你们需要用眼睛来洞察未来,希望能比你们的同龄人看的更远一些。He generally affected a brusque manner, but he had a great smile, a good sense of humor, and a keen understanding of human nature.
他总是装出一副很粗鲁的样子,但笑起来却十分爽朗,也很有幽默感,对人性有着深刻的洞察。The liberating factor is never a mere verbal comprehension but the perception of the truth or the falseness of the matter.
解放的要素决不仅仅是一个文字上的理解,而是对事物的真实或虚假的洞察。Therefore Terra can provide the insights that the Tao is searching for to understand so that all that has gone wrong can be rectified.