
汉语拼音:wén xiāng



  1. 含有药料,燃着后可以熏死或赶跑蚊虫的香。


    • Miewenying spray liquid, electric, car maintenance supplies, mechanical lubricant additives production, marketing.

      灭蚊蝇喷液 、 蚊香 、 汽车维护用品 、 机械润滑添加剂的生产 、 销售.

    • Methods: The method of laboratory efficacy test for mosquito - repellent incense.

      方法: 蚊香的室内药效测定方法-密闭圆筒法.

    • Said invention is a low - cost new mosquito - repellent incense base with good flammability.


    • Mosquito bites precaution: Toilet water, mosquito - repellent incense, sparge agent, mosquito - curtain, screen window!

      蚊子叮咬预防: 花露水, 蚊香, 喷雾剂, 蚊帐, 纱窗等!

    • He burnt a mosquito coil to keep off the mosquitoes.


    • Electrical mosquito - repellent incense , poisonless and smokeless, keeps you safe and sound.

      电热 蚊香, 无毒、无烟, 保君平安.

    • Each group of mosquito - repellent incense compatible achieve better medicine effect.


    • Laboratory efficacy criterions of public health insecticides for pesticide registration - Coil.


    • Applying mosquito coil incense to household use relating to infant brain development is inadvisable.


    • With scented tea of midge of inapproachable card report harmful to the baby?

      用无敌牌电蚊香片对婴儿有害 吗 ?

    • With toilet water, very useful. Mosquito - repellent incense is OK also, method is much!

      用花露水, 很有用的. 蚊香也可以呀, 办法多了!

    • My girlfriend is angry mad, ransack boxes and chests finds out a dish mosquito - repellent incense comes.

      我女朋友气疯了, 翻箱倒柜找出一盘儿 蚊香 来.

    • The results showed that different hormones had different induce effect on mosquito abjection vanilla.
