Daily a voice would sound in his head, and his mind's voice would respond with an answer, while he labored at his endless task.
每天都有一个声音在脑海中响起,他的意识的声音将会回应,就在他陷身于那些无止境的工作中时。This Georg Netzband painting from 1935, titled After the Air Attack, depicts Germans trapped in a bunker working together to get out.
这张由乔其.纳兹般于1935年创作的图画名为“空袭”,描绘了一群陷身地下掩体中的德国人正试图挖掘一条出路。To show partiality is not good-- yet a man will do wrong for a piece of bread.
顾及人的情面,原非一件好事;但为一片面包,人却陷身不义。New image: Since being deposed in a 2006 coup amid allegations of graft and human rights abuses, Thaksin has lived a peripatetic existence.
新形象:2006年,陷身于贪污和滥用人权指控的他信,在政变中遭到废黜,自那以后,他就过着浪迹天涯的生活。The thick, high hedgerows made the allied troops feel like they were trapped in a tunnel.
浓密高大的灌木丛让盟军觉得自己就象陷身于一个巨大的坑道中。Do your current beliefs propel you towards greatness or do they keep you trapped in mediocrity, monotony and misery?
目前你的信仰是否能够推动你、成就你的伟大,或者他们只能继续让你陷身于平庸、乏味以及多愁善感呢?An ox is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue.
牛因角闯祸,人为舌陷身。Deceit is very superficial, and the superficial therefore easily fall into it.
欺骗是非常浅薄的,因此浅薄之徒很容易陷身其中。An ox is taken by the horns, and the man by the tongue .