Mortar used for enhancing the cohesiveness between insulating layers and rendering rending coating.
用于增强保温层与抹面层之间粘结性的砂浆。Coloured Bagging Render is colourfast , UV resistant, simple to apply and gives a strong durable surface.
彩色袋装抹面砂浆不掉色,抗紫外线,易施工,经久耐用。Surface Mortar: ensuring the mechanical strength, crack resistance, durability and impact resistance of the thermal insulation system.
抹面砂浆:保证保温系统的机械强度,抗开裂性和耐久性,抗冲击性。AD- TEX Bagging Render sample packs makes the choice of colour easy and gives the customer a feel for how the product performs and looks.
TEX袋装抹面砂浆样品让客会体验如何使用产品,以及了解产品,使顾客选择产品颜色时更加容易。Five solutions are proposed to this. It is described that the factors effecting cracking resistance of plaster course and their solutions.
外墙保温的做法主要有五类,介绍薄抹面层抗裂性的影响因素及解决办法。Plaster: If the internal and external wall putty powder, Thermal Insulation Surface, color decorative mortar.
抹灰砂浆:如内外墙腻子粉、保温抹面砂浆、彩色装饰砂浆等。Soft windproof fleece wiping surface on thumb.
软防风抓绒拇指抹面。Edge Protection Profile for outer edges and corners made of aluminium, to be fixed with AdhesivePutty
用于阳角及门窗边角保护,铝合金制用粘结抹面砂浆固定The influence of composite water- reducing admixture on shale pottery thermal insulation surface mortar's properties