The president said the Europeans have taken bold and specific action. He made clear there is no time to waste.
布什总统说,欧洲国家采取了大胆和具体的行动。他明确表示,现在必须要争分夺秒。Carlisle wasn't considering age too intently, as each of these decisions was spur-of-the-moment as well as life-or-death.
对于年龄卡莱尔并没有太多的考量,每一个都是在生死关头争分夺秒所作出的决定。Over the last few weeks, we've seen FEMA personnel, National Guard and first responders working around the clock in hard-hit communities.
在过去的几周当中,我们亲眼目睹了FEMA人员,国民警备队和救援者们在重灾区与死神争分夺秒。Engineers and army laborers worked furiously on a spillway to relieve the growing lake, which had backed up past several settlements.
一支由工程师和军队劳工组成的队伍争分夺秒开凿出一条泄洪渠以减轻日益剧增的湖泊的压力,这支队伍曾经加固过不少定居点。Must race against time to carry out on-site first aid, must not rush to the hospital to rescue lost valuable time. 1.
必须争分夺秒地进行现场急救,切不可急于送医院而失去宝贵的抢救时机。Engineers are now rushing to stabilize at least two overheated reactors by injecting seawater into their cores.
目前技术人员正在争分夺秒地试图稳定至少两个过热反应堆,大量海水被灌入反应堆内核来降温。Thank you again for your concern - we assure you we share it and are working around the clock to help these dogs.
再次感谢你的关注——我们向你保证我们同样地关注并且争分夺秒地帮助这些小狗。Electricity comes fitfully: a huge headache for factories that need to operate around the clock to turn a profit.
电力供应时断时续,这让争分夺秒创收益的工厂头痛不已。They started a race against the clock to finish the interior of the new store that was scheduled to open in a month.