
汉语拼音:bó hǎi



  1. 我国的内海,位于 辽 、 冀 、 鲁 、 津 三省一市间,东至 辽东半岛 南端,南至 山东半岛 北岸。

    《庄子·说剑》:“绕以 渤海 ,带以 常山 。”《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“上亲禪 高里 ,祠后土,临 渤海 。” 唐 骆宾王 《浮查》诗:“ 渤海 三千里,泥沙几万重。”

  2. 我国 唐 代以 靺鞨 族为主体所建的政权。

    唐 苏鹗 《杜阳杂编》卷下:“ 渤海 贡马脑樻、紫瓷盆。”《新唐书·北狄传·渤海》:“ 渤海 ,本 粟末 靺鞨 附 高丽 者,姓 大 氏。” 宋 岳飞 《申省承州捷状》:“所有逐次生擒 女真 、 契丹 、 渤海 、 汉 儿军 高太保 等。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第四编第三章第一节:“ 渤海 部又东奔 挹娄 故地 东牟山 ,酋长 大祚荣 建国自立,称 震国王 。七一二年, 唐睿宗 封 大祚荣 为 忽汗州 都督、 勃海 郡王,后世遂号 渤海 。”


  • Like Silla, Parhae was a tributary state of Tang-dynasty China. IT traded wITh the nomadic tribes of the north and wITh China and Japan.


  • Mary: Oh, the man called the "Iron man of the sea" , isn't he? Students in Peking University also talked about him.


  • This paper introduces the Sea Ice Management System (SIMS) used for winter oil production for Bohai oilfield.


  • Bohai Sea, due to its proximity to China's capital Beijing, is one of the busiest sea ways in the world.


  • Sea Xingxian is located in Hebei Province, southeast of Shandong Province, neighboring the point of the Bohai Sea.


  • Thereby, the mysterious land gathers rivers and pours them into Bohai Sea and is lined with rolling mountains like the stars of heaven.


  • Weather forecasters say the freezing conditions in the area around the Bohai Sea are expected to worsen, due to recent cold snaps.


  • Vesselsfrom Korean Silla, Manchurian Balhae and Hizen Province of Japan were all involved in the Yellow Sea trade, which Silla dominated.


  • A strong cold wave process in November in Bohai Sea is analyzed in the way of combining synoptic meteorology and dynamic diagnostics.
