
汉语拼音:tān dì



    • Habitat and ecology : On sandy beaches. Flowering : January; fruiting: Apr.

      生境与生态: 生于沿海沙滩地. 花期1月; 果期4月.

    • Mountains east and west sides, central to Yong Qu ( River ) valley beach.

      东西两侧崇山峻岭, 中部为永曲 ( 河 ) 河谷滩地.

    • Wormwood is flourishing in that low - lying, damp area.


    • Niangniang Beach flat, about 800 meters east - west , north and south 50 O meters wide.

      娘娘滩地势平坦, 东西长约800米, 南北宽约50O米.

    • Biomass and nutrient accumulation of poplar plantation on beach land in Yangtse River in Anhui province.


    • Debris flow waste - shoal, and abundant resource and, is a kind of land resource in Jiangjia gully.

      蒋家沟泥石流滩地地势平坦,水源充足,热量丰富, 是较好的土地资源.

    • A transition zone from smooth pond to rougher surroundings resembles a beach, notes Chapman.


    • Ahead of us is a beach . Be careful , or you may sink into it.

      前面是块滩地,不要轻易的落脚, 以免陷下去.

    • Extraoral vast shoals River waterfront , the underwater beach off the coast to slow gradient.

      珠江口外海滨滩涂辽阔, 水下滩地向岸外缓慢坡降.

    • Yamashita Minjiang River and its tributaries sheep hole intersection, forming a large river floodplain and magnanimous.

      山下岷江与其支流羊洞河交汇, 形成大片坦荡河漫滩地.