Spear red cocktail cherries onto cocktail picks to create a pair of red "grasshopper eyes" sticking out of the drink.
用红樱桃在鸡尾酒上上做出一对突出的红色“蚂蚱眼”。"It's very simple: we swim together, or we sink together, " he said in comments reported by The Associated Press.
“这个道理很简单:我们是一根绳上的蚂蚱”,美联社报道说,他曾做过这样的评论。He tossed the grasshopper up into the air and watched him sail away to a charcoal stump across the road.
他把蚂蚱抛向空中,看着它飞向路对面的一段烧成木炭的树桩上。Chinese street foods, like this "bouquet" of skewered grasshoppers, often raise Western eyebrows.
像炸蚂蚱串这种中国街头小吃通常都会让西方游客驻足停留,瞠目结舌。Presently there arose from within a ticking like the love-making of the grasshopper.
不久,麦地里传来一种“嚓嚓”声,好像是蚂蚱情说爱的声音。He gave their crops to the grasshopper, their produce to the locust.
把他们的土产交给蚂蚱,把他们辛苦得来的交给蝗虫。Please, Bird, fil to a tree and bring back a large leaf to float on the water. While I ride on the leaf, Frog can guide it across the pond.
蚂蚱、鸟、执行,请到一棵树和一个大叶带回来,浮在水面上当我乘叶,青蛙能引导它在池塘里。A smattering of Mexican restaurants across the country serve roasted grasshoppers in tacos or with guacamole .
美国各地有少数墨西哥餐厅供应烤蚂蚱玉米卷和鳄梨酱配烤蚂蚱。In the village of his early childhood he had played with grasshoppers, pretending they were airplanes.