
汉语拼音:gǔ huà



  1. 故事;过去的事情。

    宋 苏轼 《东坡志林·涂巷小儿听说三国语》:“涂巷中小儿薄劣,其家所厌苦,輒与钱,令聚坐听説古话。”《说岳全传》第十回:“﹝ 牛皋 ﹞见两个老儿掇条板凳,在篱笆门口坐着讲古话。” 柳杞 《好年胜景》:“说过去的事,我们这里叫做讲讲‘古话’。”

  2. 古代流传下来富有哲理的话。

    毛泽东 《做革命的促进派》:“ 中国 有句古话,‘十年树木,百年树人’。” 周恩来 《在萨拉勒总统告别宴会上的讲话》:“正如 中国 古话所说的‘多难可以兴邦’。”


    • An old Chinese saying goes, " It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people ".

      中国有句古话: “ 十年树木,百年树人. ”

    • Don't you know the old proverb?'save your breath to cool your porridge !'

      多吃饭,少开口:你们不晓得这句老 古话 么 ?

    • But the old adage that men grow into office has not proved true in my experience.


    • China has a saying: " not not clinch a deal. "

      中国有一句古话: “ 不打不成交 ” .

    • Chinese old saying indicates, " Even brothers do accounts correctly. "

      中国有句古话 “ 亲兄弟,明算帐. ”

    • An old Chinese saying goes like " Food is the paramount necessity of the people. "

      中国有一句古话叫做 “ 民以食为天 ”

    • There an old Chinese saying that practice is the only criterion of inspecting the truth.


    • The old French efforts to confirm an old Chinese phrase, " Kung Fu people live. "

      这位法国老人的努力印证了那句中国古话, “ 功夫不负有心人. ”

    • There is an ancient words in China: The first is teacher, life long is father.

      中国有句古话: 一日为师, 终身为父.

    • However, we don't usually refer to proverbs as proverbs - most people just call them'sayings '.

      不过, 我们通常不把谚语称为格言 -- 更多人只是称之为古话.

    • What was that old saying, that cynical saying?

      那句古话怎么说的, 那句嘲弄人的古话?