So they only make clothes sage body fit, comfortable enough skin, not boast of the eyes and ears Xuandongfools.
所以圣人制作衣服只图身体合适、肌肤舒适就够了,并不是夸耀耳目、炫动愚民。Politicians preaching protection, state control or other charlatanism have remained on the fringes.
政客们所宣扬的保护策略、国家管控和其他愚民言论已经命悬一线。"The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" is a hoaxed book that purported to reveal a Jewish conspiracy to achieve world domination.
“犹太人贤士议定书”是一本愚民性质的书,目的是为了揭露犹太人企图统治全世界的阴谋。Expectations that the new Democratic Congress would confront the abstinence-only hoax have proved unfounded.
民主党操控的新国会可能反对惟禁欲愚民政策,这种预测已经证明毫无根据。The smart money makes the money that the dumb money lose.
智者赚的钱来自愚民的钱。Even some people think that he was a representative of the slave owners, who carried out a policy of obscurantism .
还有人认为他是奴隶主的代表,推行的是愚民政策。Or you mean out come the sheeple? Oh the irony. Let's believe everything the media tells us!
你是再说愚民来袭吧?在讽刺啊。让我们就相信媒体说的吧!At first, "block head" was only a verb; for a long time, "blockhead" becomes a noun later.
开始的时候,“愚民”还是个动词;时间久了,后来,“愚民”就变成名词了。In the viewpoint of an intellect, it is difficult for us to agree with Laotse's idea on making people fool.