Main grain crop has cassava, taro, corn, banana to wait.
主要粮食作物有木薯 、 芋头 、 玉米 、 芭蕉等.
These include cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, taro and coconut.
这些作物包括木薯, 红薯, 山药, 芋头和椰子.
You celebrate your birthday with taro, red bean, and lard.
用红豆 、 芋头和猪油给自己过生日.
Taro is a tropical plant used widely in the Pacific Islands.
Peel the taro, cut it, steam it , and finally smash it.
芋头去皮洗净, 切片蒸熟后捣成泥.
Gina: I think this is perfect - the taro cakes. Here, try a 5 sample.
吉娜: 我觉得这个最正点 ─ ─芋头酥饼. 来, 试吃一下.
Dice the taro and steam for about 20 minutes until cooked.
These include kacawocassava, sweet potatoes, yiemsyams, canberra , and cocoa nut coconut.
这些农作物包括:木薯 、 甘薯 、 山药 、 芋头和椰子.
They were the first people to cultivate taro.
Add oil and whisk well.
My favorite is the taro stem and duck.
Take a small cup and in turn lay dioscoreae, medlar and taro in it.
3取一小盅,将淮山 、 枸杞、芋头依序放入盅底.
Lisa: I'd guess it was taro. That used to be the staple crop of the islanders.
莉莎: 我想是芋头吧. 那以前是岛民的主要作物.
In the metaphase of expand - time , leaves absorb the N as much as 3.38 %.
在芋头球茎膨胀 中期, 叶片吸收氮素最高达3.38%.
Apple's sales agent in charge of acquisition and ginger, garlic, taro, peppers and other fresh vegetables.
主管代理销售收购苹果和生姜 、 大蒜 、 芋头 、 辣椒等生鲜蔬菜.