汉语拼音:zhuō jīn jiàn zhǒu
- 【解释】:拉一拉衣襟,就露出臂肘。形容衣服破烂。比喻顾此失彼,穷于应付。
- 【出自】:《庄子·让王》:“十年不制衣,正冠而缨绝,捉襟而肘见,纳履而踵决。”
- 【示例】:平时所过的早就是~的生活,更那有什么余钱来做归国的路费呢?
◎郭沫若《学生时代·创造十年》 - 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义
Yes, if I was a conventional publisher I'd be feeling a cold wind at my back, to say nothing of the poor old bookshops.
是的,如果我是一位传统发行商,我会感到身后一阵冷风,更别提那些捉襟见肘的老书店了。so a rush of new visitors is arriving at libraries just as the local governments that fund them run out of money.
所以一大批新的访问者才蜂拥至图书馆,而为图书馆提供资金的政府却已捉襟见肘。Faced with shrinking budgets, he wanted something that could be achieved quickly without getting bogged down in red tape.
面对捉襟见肘的预算,他想做些见效快而又不会受官场繁文缛节羁绊的东西。If you're in a desperate situation, you're not going to be able to make use of those luxury items anyway.
其实,如果你真的到了捉襟见肘的地步,那些奢侈品你是不会去用的。It has been feared that the move would hit families with three or more children living in London.
房租增加可能让三个以上孩子的伦敦家庭捉襟见肘。All are careful to sound as if they believe that fiscal privation is the road to salvation.
他们都表现得相当谨慎,就好像他们相信:财政上捉襟见肘是救赎之路。Knowling grew up in the Midwest, in a large African-American family that had little money and plenty of dysfunction.
诺林在美国中西部一个非裔家庭长大,家庭成员众多,但经济状况却捉襟见肘,生活窘迫。It wasn't because his mother didn't care, or try, there just never seemed to be enough.
并不是他的母亲没在意,也不是她没去努力,但生活总是捉襟见肘。The weapons, training and cash given to his unelected administration by the American and European governments are inadequate.