Fleeting blond head, veiled in black! It was like the portrait of a dream in the fugitive frame of the train window.
转瞬即逝的金发人,头蒙黑纱!宛若梦的画像,镶在疾逝的火车窗格里。And then, within minutes, the isolated, verdant mountains above China's most famous panda reserve exploded as if hit by a megaton bomb.
然后在几分钟之内,中国最闻名的熊猫保护区之上孤兀而青翠欲滴的大山宛若被兆吨炮弹袭击轰然爆炸。of the side garden to the front, where she could stand as if in an immense gulf of white light, the moon streaming high in face of her.
她赶紧从宅边园子走到宅前园子,她可以站在那儿,宛若置身于一大片白光下,月亮高照在她脸上。Each type of glaze color flows naturally with many levels as if it was made by nature, revealing an irresistible beauty!
各类釉色自然地流动,层次丰富,宛若天成,透露著让人无法抗拒的美感!Behavioural economists point out cases in which our decisions don't match neoclassical theory, and thus the "as if" defence fails.
行为经济学家指出,在一些案例中,我们的决定与新古典主义经济理论并不相符,因此“宛若”理论不成立。The whole group of buildings towering rigorous, magnificent, distance, clouds shrouded, magnificent, just like the sky palace.
整组建筑巍峨严整,气势恢宏,远处眺望,白云缭绕,金碧辉煌,宛若天上宫阙。The spirit of neoclassical economics would say that people act "as if" swiftly calculating the parabolic arc of the ball.
新古典主义经济学派会说,人们表现得“宛若”飞速计算出了球飞行的抛物线。Nothing but the sickness and death he felt surrounded by . . . And yet, at the very moment that the world was crumbling, he was alive.
只剩下疾病和死亡正四下里包围着他,宛若触手可及……然而就在世界分崩离析的这一刻,他却拥有着生命。Spring air seems to sparkle, somehow, with a gold and bubbly light, scented with those wonderful smells that only occur in spring.