
汉语拼音:wù kōng



  1. 佛教语。谓了然于一切事物由各种条件和合而生,虚幻不实,变灭不常。

    唐 沉佺期 《驩州南亭夜望》诗:“忽觉犹言是,沉思始悟空。” 唐 钱起 《归义寺题震上人壁》诗:“身世已悟空,归途復何去?”


    • Sun Wukong , his face lit up with youthful vigour, climbed up onto his throne.

      孙悟空春风满面, 高登宝座.

    • Monkey King had to seek help from Guanyin ( a Bodhisattva ).


    • Monkey recognized it and struck it again. Like the first time, the fiend fled.

      悟空认出又是白骨精变的,举棒又打,白骨精故伎重演, 化烟脱逃.

    • Wukong said a spell to call the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea.


    • Sunwukong's birth from stone also has strong religious significance. "


    • Sun is the symbol of the opinions and style of the intellects.


    • Isn't Sun Wu - kung a character of tremendous magical power?

      孙悟空不是很厉害的人物 吗 ?

    • People say this is the cave dwelling of the Monkey King.


    • Goku explores a jungle paradise of the Four - Star Dragon Ball .

      小悟空一路追踪四 星龙珠 撞进了一片世外桃源般的热带丛林.

    • The monkey king sought masters everywhere, and finally mastered extraordinary ability.

      孙悟空四处求师学艺, 终于学成了通天的本领.

    • Goku is back to Piccolo , and not a moment too soon!

      小悟空终于赶到了短笛大魔王的跟前, 而且来得正是时候!

    • The most important thing is to have a far - off top - the Monkey King.

      最主要的是顶上有个远客 —— 孙悟空.

    • And just what does happen when Goku sees the full moon?

      当小悟空看到满月时,又会发生什么事 呢 ?

    • With the role of the game Dragon Ball Wukong's like, pretty fun!

      游戏角色跟七龙珠的悟空很像, 蛮好玩的!

    • Wukong: No, thanks, just take good care of my master.

      悟空: 不用帮手, 只要照顾好我师父就行了.