He's the one Casey was trying to set me up with, and even though I rejected, it might be still worth a try.
他就是凯西试图给我介绍的那位,尽管我拒绝,但想来想去还是可以尝试一下。I can think, five thousand years of Chinese history, I am afraid that with only one of Mao Zedong described as a "hero. "
我想来想去,中国五千年历史上,恐怕只有一个毛泽东配称得上是“英雄”。So the pair did the only thing they could think of: They went to see Paul Graham at his house in Cambridge, Mass. , near Harvard Square.
想来想去,他们觉得最好的办法,还是去马萨诸塞州的剑桥市找PaulGraham。在哈佛广场旁边PaulGraham的家里,他们见到了他。I thought it over again and again, I have never been doing business with this bank, I have no idea how this RMB90 comes.
我想来想去,压根儿就没有跟广发银行有过交易怎么会有欠单呢?He thought that Hubbard was "brilliant in so many ways, " and that the failing must be his.
他想来想去,觉得哈伯德“在很多方面都辉煌耀眼”,那么一定是他自己有什么失败的地方。After much deliberation lot of people think of the meaning of life is to eat, drink and nurturing the next generation does not do?
许多人想来想去就想到人生的意义不就是吃喝玩乐和哺育下一代吗?I've thought it over and over, and decide to be a good host, meet the people from all over the world with smile.
我想来想去,决定还是当好东道主,用微笑去迎接来自世界各地的朋友们。Quitting is a matter of using your own willpower, 'When you want to stop you just stop; no need to think about it'.
戒烟是需要意志力的,“如果你想戒烟,说戒就戒;不必想来想去”。He was holding the silver, wrestling for a long time, After much deliberation, and finally came up with themselves as the best method.