Results: All the foreign bodies were taken out with direct laryngoscope or laryngotracheobronchoscope successfully.
结果:103例在直达喉镜和支气管镜下均顺利取出异物。A miniature video camera on the tip of the laryngoscope relays a picture to the screen on the monitor to help its correct insertion.
喉镜顶端的小型摄像机将图像传输到监测仪屏幕上从而保证管子的正确插入。As a substitute for the traditional laryngoscopic lens, this product is used for anaesthetization, emergency and patients with infection.
本产品是传统喉镜片的换代产品,为用于麻醉、急救、传染病人而研制。Objective: To explore the effect of the excision of the huge vocal cord polyp by an electronic laryngoscope.
目的:探讨电子喉镜下巨大声带息肉摘除术的可行性及疗效。A tubular endoscope that is inserted into the larynx through the mouth and used FOR observing the interior of the larynx.
喉镜从嘴部置入咽喉用于观察喉内部的管状内窥镜Early detection through anamnesis and laryngoscopy allows early therapy with a good prognosis.
通过回想早期发现和喉镜允许具有早期治疗预后良好。The guidelines urge doctors not to use other imaging methods like CT or MRI scans until they have done this.
这些指导方针主张,医生不得使用其他例如CT与核磁共振扫描等成像方法,除非他们已经做过这个(喉镜检查)。Methods: Surgical incision and drainage of retropharyngeal abscess were done through an intraoral approach with the straight laryngoscope.
方法:直接喉镜引导下经口行咽后脓肿切开引流术,术后辅以全身抗炎治疗。Methods: Sixty-five patients suffering from vocal polyp were operated by the fibre laryngoscope and indirect laryngeal forceps.