It has no eyes and no ears.
它既没有眼睛,也没有耳朵。People with no eyes and flesh like that of a worm.
没有眼睛的人,肉象虫子一样。And yet one might assert that, though the mole has not eyes in the full sense, yet it has eyes in a kind of a way.
但是仍可以断定,尽管鼹鼠没有完全意义上的眼睛,但在某种意义上仍可说它有眼睛。"Strikes me you're a bit of star-dust yourself, flung into a world of cowled gnomes who cannot see, " was his comment at the end of it.
我的印象是:你就是一个坠落到凡间的星尘,被扔进一群戴了风帽的没有眼睛的作儒之间。eyed side The side in flatfishes bearing both eyes, the uppermost side when resting on the bottom, opposite to the blind side.
有眼睛的一边当停留在底部的时候,比目鱼上半面的侧边生长著两眼,位于没有眼睛的一边对面。If I had eyes in the back of my head I would have told you that you looked good as I walked away.
如果我的脑后有眼睛,我会在我走过时告诉你你看起来很好。However, when people looked closely, they discovered that the otherwise complete dragons were all missing the pupils of their eyes.
可是,当人们走近点一看,就会发现美中不足的是四条龙全都没有眼睛。If the character has no eyes, such as an inanimate object like a Luxo lamp, it is even more important to lead with the head.
若是角色没有眼睛,例如象LUXO灯(参考动画,从100frame.com本地服务器下载)一样没生命的物体,头部将很重要。They have no eyes and rely on smell for navigation and propagation.