She didn't scold me, but only cleaned off the grease and clay, and looked so sorry that I thought I would behave awhile if I could.
她并没有骂我,只是把我衣服上的油渍和泥土都洗干净了,她显得那么难过的样子,使我觉得只要我能办到,可真得乖一会儿了。In many instances, petroleum can penetrate the surface of concrete floors to the extent that the oil may not be removed by surface cleaning.
很多情况下,汽油能够渗透过水泥地板表面,以至于需要在地面对油渍进行清洁。SUPERIOR OIL STOP PRIMER mixes with the oil in the surface, penetrating deeply to tie up and lock in contamination.
SUPERIOR防油渗底漆将油渍与地面融合,能够渗入表层,锁固油污。Chalk made of a soft, white variety of talc, used by tailors for marking fabrics and by dry cleaners for removing grease spots.
一种白色的、软而紧密的滑石,用于在布帛上画线或去除油渍。Hand oil stains, like pieces of meat when there's nothing wrong with the napkin gently wipe, but do not be used to wipe a knife, or dishes.
手上有油渍、肉碎之类时,用餐巾轻轻拭抹亦无妨,不过,别用来擦刀、又或碗碟。If untreated, this oil may migrate back to the surface, causing delamination.
入得不到妥善处理,这些油渍会导致起鳞现象。Because cooking can be a messy process, all areas of the kitchen need frequent cleaning to keep them fresh, grease-free, and sanitary.
因为烹饪可能是一个凌乱的过程,所以厨房里的所有区域需要经常清洁以保持清爽、无油渍和卫生。Grease stains are famously difficult to remove from clothing and stain removers can be very expensive.
衣物上的油渍是公认最难清洗的,然而去污剂可能又非常贵。If your kitchen counters, stove or microwave get a little greasy after a marathon cooking session take out the coke can.