Soon, a woman came out with a oily earthbags and said to us angrily: " Imps ! You destroy my foods! " .
不久,一个女人拿着一个油油的沙包出来,生气地对我们说:“可恶的小鬼,你们把我做的饭菜给毁了”。for the Seigneur had commanded him to change all the lake into a meadow, covered with grass and clover, and he was not able to do it.
庄园主要他把整面湖都变成牧场,满是绿绿牧草,油油苜蓿。他根本做不到。The father Director , Canon Montanelli, paused a moment in his writing to glance lovingly at the black head bent over the papers .
神学院院长蒙太尼黑神甫把笔停一下,慈爱地瞥视着那个俯在文稿上的黑发油油的脑袋。Suppose the next day was also the face oily.
还有第二天假设脸油油得。If your other options are limited, go for a salad or lighter meal as opposed to a greasy burger and fries.
如果条件受到限制,吃点口味清淡的食物,例如沙拉一类的,但绝对不是油油的汉堡和薯条。The floating heart growing in the sludge Sways leisurely under the water; In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant!
软泥上的青荇,油油的在水底招摇;在康河的柔波里,我甘心做一条水草!Green fronds upon the mud Below surface lazily sway: Could I only live as a water plant Where Cam winds her gentle way!
软泥上的青荇,油油地在水底招摇;在康河的柔波里,我甘心做一条水草!But you can remove most dirty or greasy fingerprints from painted walls by rubbing the area with a slice of white bread.
但是,你可以用一片白面包擦拭来除去油漆墙上大多数脏脏的或油油的指纹。Looked at the glistening yellow, bright oily the bergamot fruit, I really wanted to go up a bite.