Unlike detergent foams, which famously stand up to grime, beer foams can be destabilized with a bit of oil.
清洁剂泡沫是出了名的经得起油污的,啤酒泡沫可以被一丁点儿油给摧毁。Surface must be completely cleam. dry and free of dust and oil. If applied on plastic, polish the surface with sand paper to make it rough.
接合面必须清洁,干燥,无灰尘或油污,若是塑料物件,应先用砂纸打磨其表面,使之粗糙。Jadeite jewelry is decorous, if the symbol of the holy oil, long-term exposure to it is easily smeary adhere to the surface, influence.
翡翠首饰是高雅圣洁的象征,若长期使它接触油污,油污则容易粘在表面,影响光彩。The ultraviolet light could make it possible to determine how long ago oil had washed up in a given region, Kirby said.
Kirby说,紫外线能用来确定油污被冲到某一特定区域的时间。He said he didn't want his motor fucked up by some kid with oil on his hands.
他说他可不希望他的汽车被那人用油污的脏手扔得一塌糊涂。Absorbent booms and pads are being used to soak up oil floating on the surface or clinging to plants, boats and structures.
我们还采用了可以吸油的栅栏和垫板,来吸收漂浮在海面上和附着在植物表面、船只底部和建筑上的油污。This scared the utter hell out of me because what I felt was a tall man, with long greasy hair but I couldn't make out his face.
这下我可真是给吓得魂飞魄散,因为我所感觉到是一个高个男子,披散著长发,头发上满是油污,但我一直没法辨认出他的模样。d. Investigations are made to see if any dirt oil got into the legs of the transformer, and removal should be performed if re2quired.
需要展开调查,看看油污是否进入了变压器的铁心,如果必要,应加以清除。The evacuation plan is an attempt to save the next generation of Gulf sea turtles.