With a smaller stomach, you feel full after eating less food (as little as a few ounces ), so you don't eat as much and you lose weight.
胃小了,吃少量的食物就感觉饱了(少的只吃几盎司),因此吃不了那么多食物了,体重也就下降了。This brings me to a precipitous rock faces and sheer cliff on instinct, I refused, I can't eat bitter. Wind feel helpless.
这次风把我带到了一处悬崖峭壁上、我本能的拒绝了、我是吃不了苦的。风无可奈何了。The scholarship of what is floating clouds ", speak this sentence actually completely because can't eat grape to say grape sour. "
“奖学金什么的就是浮云”,说出这句话其实完全是因为吃不了葡萄说葡萄酸。REFINED: she was delicate and refined and unused to hardship; refined people with refined taste.
她优雅而娇弱吃不了苦;优雅的人优雅的品位。But despite that, Japanese people will eat as much as they like and simply throw away the rest.
不过,日本人还是想吃多少吃多少,吃不了的,就扔了吧。In fact, impatient gets hot bean curd, which may rebound pipa cool in the low season, a good deal can go Drive.
其实,心急吃不了热豆腐,冷静之中不妨反弹琵琶,在淡季中成交不失为淘金的一条佳径。Eating out with friends, a stack of dishes, cannot finish what should I do?
和朋友在外面吃饭,点了一堆菜,吃不了怎么办?It's too easy to pick too many strawberries when so many of them look really irresistable, and it's impossible to eat them all.
草莓色泽红而味甘甜,实在太吸引,不经不觉采得太多,吃也吃不了,怎办好?I really can't finish such a bowlful of noodles.