It is applied to pursue the Learning Organization, and therefore promote the benefit of trying to carry out the Learning Organization.
以此作为后续推行学习型组织活动的依归,因而提升学习型组织导入之成效。Legal fiction is differ from fiction, it's a metaphysical way of thinking on which empirical world isn't based.
法律虚拟不同于法律拟制,它是一种形而上的思维方式,不以经验世界的具体对象为依归。Life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value, to which all other values are subordinate.
生命是神圣的,即是说,它的价值至高无上,其他所有价值都以其为依归。The Club reserves the right to disqualify entrants who violate all or part of the rules or for any valid reasons.
赛果以新地会的决定为依归,新地会有权以触犯规则或其他合理理由取消参赛资格。There has been a lack of truth up above for three centuries.
三百年来,我们最缺乏的就是以真理为依归的真诚。or we shall be dispersed all over the earth.
不然,我们就会流散各地,无所依归了。And by refusing to embrace elective democracy, new leftists believe they have the best interests of the masses at heart.
此外,通过拒绝接受选举民主,新左翼分子相信他们是以最广大人民的利益为依归。The stewards will act in the best interest of the community if the incentive system is aligned .
英皇会的最佳利益为依归的社会,如果实行的奖励制度,是不结盟。Traditionally, discussions of parenting skills always came from the parent's perspective.