Known as the Chosen, the birthright of the Sun-braves and Shade-stalkers is a life free from want but filled with duty.
如其名天选者,降生即为太阳勇士和阴影潜行者的生活衣食无忧却充满了责任。He is primary fodder and conversation partner to Garfield and is often the butt of Garfield's jokes.
他是加菲的衣食父母和聊天伙伴,同时也是加菲的笑柄。yea! it's nice to see the POLICE doing their job against the people how employee them it reminds me of a regime that just FELL!
是啊!真的很高兴看到警察尽职地对抗他们的衣食父母,这我想起一个刚刚垮台的政权!I expect, however, that fully grown females that are well fed might be able to lay up to 20 eggs.
我期望,但认为完全成熟的女性,都是衣食足可奠定多达20个卵。My goal is realistic is to let my family enough to live comfortably, not as a few cents and hawking bargain.
我的目标很现实,就是让我的家人衣食无忧,不再为几毛钱和小贩讨价还价。Among China's traditional ideologies nature is always not the object to conquer but the resource of our food and clothing and lives.
在中国的传统思想里,自然从来都不是征服的对象,而是我们的衣食父母和生命之源。Health care in England is free at the point of delivery; help with washing, dressing and eating is not (though it is in Scotland).
在英格兰,医疗护理在配送上是免费的;而衣食不是免费的(尽管这在苏格兰是免费的)。They separate the parents from the children by promising to provide food, clothing, shelter to these children.
他们把父母和孩子们分开,向父母允诺给孩子提供衣食以及居所。The other was to set the reservation systems free to become (as the airlines see it) profit-gobbling monsters that devour their parents.