Because eavesdropping changes the physical nature of the information, users in a quantum exchange can easily detect eavesdroppers .
偷听兑换信息的物质性质,用户在一量内交换能容易发现偷听的人。A man fishing in the river, he had to catch a lot of fish, but a fish on every fishing Take a volume of foot traffic.
有一个人在河边钓鱼,他钓了非常多的鱼,但每钓上一条鱼就拿尺量一量。When the common nouns and the "(yi)+M+N" phrases act as attribute and predicate, they don't refer to any entity, but indicate attributes.
普通名词作定语、普通名词和“(一)量名”词组作谓语都不指称实体,而表示所修饰或说明的名词的性质,是非指称性成分。She is still confused. She asks the farmer what to do. He tells her to measure them.
她又困惑了。她询问隔壁的农夫该怎麽办。他告诉她把它们量一量好了。Let me take a measurement and calculate. Seven feet will be enough.
让我量一量.计算一下.七英尺就足够了。Doctor: Well, your chest sounds clear and your and ears look normal. But I'm concerned about your fever. I need to take your temperature.
医生:胸部听起来很清楚,喉咙和耳朵看起来也正常。但是我还是担心你的发烧问题。我得量一量你的体温。Although it produces a quarter of the greenhouse gases that are heating the planet, it refuses to regulate them.
他们制造了四分之一量的导致全球变暖的的温室气体,但是它们拒绝立法限制排放。Let me measure you, sir, for some suits and some shirts too. . . Now, please have a look at these materials.
现在我来量一量你成套衣服的尺寸,还有一些衬衣。……好啦,请你看一看这些料子。The doctor is measured with mercuric tonometer , when the hematic pressure ratio of Ms. Wen sees a doctor last even tall.