They do not like the French people did like idle fantasy, as the British did not say posture to face.
他们不象法国人那样喜欢漫无边际的幻想,也不象英国人那样讲派头、要面子。My father is proud, sir, and if he had not a meal left, I doubt if he would have asked anything from anyone, except from Heaven.
我父亲是很要强的,很要面子,先生。即便是他饿肚子没饭吃了,恐怕除了上帝以外,他不会向任何人去乞讨的。Americans do not like illusion that extend endlessly like Frenchmen, say that style, keen on face saving like Englishmen either. U. S.
美国人不象法国人那样喜欢漫无边际的幻想,也不象英国人那样讲派头、要面子。He refused to accept help out of a false sense of pride.
他由於死要面子而不肯接受帮助。Barking orders or making unreasonable demands won't work out too well, so resist the urge to save face by trying those tactics.
埋怨命令,抑或作些不合理要求,都无法很好地解决问题,去试试前面所说的方法,无须死要面子。his pride never deserts him , but with the rich he is liberal - minded , just , sincere , rational , honourable , and perhaps agreeable.
他处处傲慢,可是跟有钱的阔人在一起的时候,他就显得胸襟磊落,公正诚实,讲道理,要面子,也许还会和和气气。They believe that issue could adopt means virtually nothing visionary would mean nothing.
他们认为,死要面子意味着一事无成,耽于幻想则意味着一无所有。That day never happened, and Sena realized that the Senator was too proud to admit his mistake.
那一天永远也不会到来。塞娜知道,贝尔·伊布利斯议员很要面子,不会承认自己的错误。Eg. He refuse to accept help as he is nice than wise.