Glass is the most common material to be glazed into the frames for windows, curtain walls, storefronts , and doors.
玻璃是最常见的用于安装在窗框、幕墙、店面及门上的一种材料。Results Pancreatic enhancement was obvious and tumor tissue was not obvious during pancreatic substance phase and portal phase.
结果胰腺实质期及门静脉期胰腺强化明显,肿瘤组织强化不明显。If the pipeline connecting need overhead doors should be used triangle shape and a fixed angle.
如管路需要架空连接应采用三角形及门字形的固定角钢。The diagnostic criteria for cirrhosis and PH should be met when determining on a diagnosis, along with other causes ruled out.
诊断时须符合以下条件:满足肝硬化及门静脉高压症的诊断,但除外其他病因。Pedicle vascular injury included left hepatic artery injury, right hepatic artery, left-portal vein and right-portal vein injury.
肝蒂血管损伤包括肝左、右动脉及门静脉左、右支损伤。For the internal forces analysis of portal frame can use a variety of internal force analysis method .
本文分析了轻钢结构在国内外的发展及门式刚架内力分析和截面优化设计。Comprises draft free stainless steel cabinet with observation window, sample holder and door mounted burner.
本仪器配有密封不锈钢燃烧室、观察窗、试样夹及门式燃烧器。Input voltage pin. This pin provides the power for the internal control circuitry and gate driver.
输入电压脚。此脚为内部的控制电路及门驱动电路提供电源。Portal vein was invaded in 3 cases and presented as infiltration, stenosis or occlusion of the vein.