She blooms still, weak medium but show not a song, have no to tell to say in the speech strong.
她却依然绽放,柔弱中却彰显着不曲,无言中诉说着坚强。Everything naturally happens, of course, and the end seems to be without saying, because you reap as you sow.
一切都在自然发生,当然,结局也尽在不言中。因为,种豆得豆,种瓜得瓜。He knew there was a risk of being captured by the enemy and that's what happened.
他知道如果被敌人抓获会有风险但这却不幸被言中。His wife heard laughter, then leave it as a joke to others, we listened to each other, smile, say nothing at all.
战友的老婆一听大笑,之后还把这事儿当成笑话讲给别人听,我们听了,相互一笑,尽在不言中。In fact, in my last visit I said very little, but I feel that we made significant contact with each other.
事实上,我最后一次去看望他时,我没有说什么话,但是我感到我们彼此之间,相互心领神会,一切尽在不言中。If Chuang Tzu had predicted the side effects of Taiwan's election system, he would have been right.
如果庄子是在预言台湾的选举制度,那他倒是不幸言中矣!If it comes to it, we will have to live with a nuclear Iran.
如果不幸言中我们将还要面对有核武的伊朗。When a woman takes out her compact and puckers her lips and opens her mouth while she puts on candy apple red lipstick, all bets are off.
一个女人拿出粉底盒,抿着嘴或者张开嘴抹上糖果色苹果红的口红的时候,一切就尽在不言中了。I pulled a chair over to his bedside and we sat in silence. There was nothing left to say.