Some catalogs provide data on motions , variability, duplicity, etc.
有的星表还提供了运动, 是否变光以及双星 、 聚星等等的资料.
In the illustration above, the limiting magnitude has been set to 9.
Upper Limit : The upper limit for the magnitude of reference stars.
最亮星等极限: 参考星的最亮的星等.
In the illustration above , the limiting magnitude has been set to 8.
在下面的图例中, 极限星等是8——最大可能视场等级的默认星等.
A simple method for calculating the stellar detection limit of APS is proposed.
Visual photometer is a simple instrument with measuring accuracy of ~10 % ( 0.1 mag ).
结构简单的目视光度测量器,准确度达百分之十 ( 0.1星等 ).
According to the APM catalogue, the B magnitude is 16.32. It has a redshift of 0.091.
根据APM星表, 它的B星等为16.32.观测发现, 其红移为0.091.
For instance: Bracketplant, evergreen cane , Tian Naxing, beautification environment while rise to purify airy action.
比如: 吊兰 、 常青藤 、 天南星等,美化环境的同时起到净化空气的作用.
Add a monitor and modify the registry, software implementation Ruixing automatic defense function.
监视注册表的添加和修改, 实现瑞星等软件的自动防御功能.
For example, compare the Orion you seen with this map and find out the limiting magnitude.
例如找到了猎户座之后, 与此图作比较,得出你能见到的极限星等.
Also present at the meeting were Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing and other officials.
After a while you're seeing at least a magnitude fainter than at first.
The brighter the object, the smaller ( even sometime negative ) is the magnitude. Magnitudelogarithmic scale.
愈光的星体, 星等数字便愈小 ( 甚至负数 ).
Orion and its magnitude distribution.