The whole place was the romantic vision of the paternalist local squire.
Most of the country estates were built by the landed gentry during the late 19th century.
I think he thought of himself as a country gentleman and was like a fish out of water in Birmingham.
'Now , Hawkins,'said the squire,'you have something say. Speak up.'
“霍金斯, ”乡绅说, “ 你说有事情要告诉我们, 那么说吧. ”
'All hands aboard by four this afternoon,'shouted the squire, after him.
“ 所有船员今天下午四点在船上集合.”乡绅冲着他的背影喊了一声.
'Now, captain,'said the squire,'you were right, and I was wrong.
“ 我说船长, ”乡绅说, “ 你当时没说错, 错的是我.
'And now, Livesey,'said the squire, in the same breath.
“ 我说, 利维塞.”乡绅也同时说道.
'Nay,'replied the squire,'Hands was one of mine.'
“ 不一定, ”乡绅说, “汉兹 就是 我亲自挑选的. ”
Tell us , squire, when you see the match, and we'll hold water.'
乡绅, 看到他们点火就告诉我, 我们好停桨. ”
'Livesey , that must have been you or Hawkins,'cried the squire.
“ 利维塞, 肯定是你或霍金斯说出去的.”乡绅又嚷道.
'Livesey ,'returned the squire,'you are always in the right of it.
“ 利维塞, ”乡绅答道, “ 你的话总是有道理.
'I am always at the captain's order. Show him in,'said the squire.
“ 我随时听候船长的吩咐,快请他进来. ”乡绅说.
I told him the squire was the most liberal of men.
'Livesey ,'said the squire,'you will give up this wretched practice at once.
“ 利维塞, ”乡绅说, “ 你可以立刻告别你这辛苦的行当了.
'The man's a perfect trump ,'declared the squire.
“ 这个人很可靠.”乡绅说.