In practice, inferior cantholysis is also performed because a lateral canthotomy is usually insufficient alone.
在实际操作中,也可同时行下眦切开术,因为单纯行外眦切开术往往尚不足以减压。Objective To research the method of rejuvenation of aging lower eyelid through the combined incisions of lateral canthus and conjunctiva.
目的:探索利用经外眦及结膜联合入路下睑年轻化美容整形术的方法。Using forceps, the lateral lower eyelid is retracted away from the globe to expose the lateral canthus tendon.
使用镊子将外侧下眼睑同眼球分离以便暴露外眦肌腱。Methods The eye outside corner fat was separated with micro-invasive technique and buried the line to forming double eyelid.
方法用显微外科手术器械取出外眦部眶隔脂肪,然后行埋线重睑成形术。Objective: To obtain a high effect for a long time, we think incision betterment could make outer -canthus more stand and trustiness.
目的:为了提高上睑皮肤松垂矫正的远期效果,使之成为一种稳定持久、外眦部平展的重睑术。Orthopaedy of baggy lower eyelids by strengthening tension of orbicularis and lateral tarsal ligaments via tiny temporal incision
颞部悬吊加强外眦韧带张力的睑袋矫正术Rhytidectomy of the lateral canthus in combination with blepharoplasty
联合眼睑整形的外眦鱼尾纹除皱术of baggy lower eyelids; Tiny temporal incision; Orbicularis; Lateral tarsal ligaments;
睑袋矫正术;颞部小切口入路;眼轮匝肌;外眦韧带;The rejuvenation of aging lower eyelid through combined incisions of lateral canthus and conjunctiva