
汉语拼音:tóng bǎn zhǐ



  1. 加工纸的一种。用白色颜料及胶黏剂等调制而成的涂料,涂布于铜版原纸的表面,经超级压光而成。根据用途,有双面和单面铜版纸。纸质洁白,表面光滑。用于单色或多色铜版及高级胶版的印刷。

    阿英 《<长征画集>纪事》:“用铜版纸、道令纸精印了两千册书。”


    • Very white board paper , paper, paper, glass, cardboard, etc.

      常用的有白板纸 、 铜版纸 、 牛皮纸 、 玻璃卡纸等.

    • The covers of these magazines are printed with superior copperplate paper.


    • First of all, fine paper and offset of goniophotometry.

      首先, 铜版纸与胶版纸的暗地平滑度差别.

    • There are single - side coated paper , coated paper for double - sided coated paper.

      铜版纸有单不面铜版纸 、 双不面铜版纸.

    • In that case, bond paper cover package when hot cut ﹖ ofmaize?

      那么, 铜版纸封面包烫时应选择什么样的粘合剂 呢 ?

    • Coated paper has a smooth polished coating especially suitable for halftone printing.


    • Coated and uncoated stocks together in one convenient guide.


    • There are single and double - sided coated paper.


    • It is also as coated paper coated paper.


    • Generally: the than uncoated paper coated paper making and card making colorful effect.

      通常来讲: 铜版纸比胶版纸的制卡和会员卡制作效果色彩鲜亮的多.

    • For example, the white paper and cardboard, and with hand - carved wood panels business card.

      比如铜版纸和一般的白卡纸, 还有用木质板手工雕刻的名片.

    • Bond paper cover manual package is always hot key is back blistering, bond, holdout cataplasm loss.

      铜版纸封面手工包烫现存的主要总是是书背起泡 、 粘结 、 墨层糊损等.

    • Physical and chemical behavior of YH - 05 , Dow - 675, SD - 656 carboxylated styrene - butadiene latex in paper coating are discussed.

      讨论了羧基丁苯胶乳物化性能对铜版纸涂布性能的影响,对比了YH -05 、 Dow-675 、 SD -656 三种羧基丁苯胶乳的成纸性能.

    • Label oily sludge as bond paper ( or special paper ), gravure, letterpress and offset printing.

      标签基材为铜版纸 ( 也可采用特种纸张 ), 用凹版 、 凸版及胶印.

    • Cover of papierhygiene: regular publication of top - grade general selection of uncoated paper, coated paper publication multipurpose.

      封面用纸: 普通出版物一般选用胶版纸, 高档 出版物多用铜版纸.