
汉语拼音:tiān fāng



  1. 原指伊斯兰教发源地 麦加 ,后泛指 阿拉伯 。

    《明史·西域传四·天方》:“ 天方 ,古 筠冲 地,一名 天堂 ,又曰 默伽 。”此指 麦加 。 清 刘智 《天方典礼释要解·例言》:“是书皆 天方 之语,用汉译成文。”此泛指 阿拉伯 。


    • Sounds on the picture is an Arabia night of deep pool!


    • Brown protection adhesive glue, leaky.

      棕爱护胶液不妥, 有漏胶的不天方.

    • Fanciful? Certainly, and it has been imagined before. But in volatile times, imaginings sometimes come true.

      天方夜谈? 当然, 以前一直是在想象中的场景. 但是,在动荡不安的时局下, 有时想象也能成为现实.

    • In gravure printing of operation, the plate is pad printing process a maximum of the problem.

      在不凸版移印的操纵功程洋, 印版是移印工艺洋不入题目最多的不天方.

    • Network system backup points should be set up and running in different places between devices.


    • Close to the volume of creed rise , so that the surface non - slip surface.

      挨近卷芯的不天方爆发绉纹, 使暗不天瘪凸不服.

    • One of the few 1.8 repair film: there are nano hole places NET pulp point seal.

      8修膜: 不小都有闭孔的不天方用不闭网浆不背不闭.