He thinks the legacy is a gift from the Gods.
Tony sipped from his glass. "Mmm. Ambrosia. Nectar of the gods. Divine. Wonderful."
That's a godsend: I'm saved!
Cattle left outdoors to fend for themselves thrived on this God - given hay.
I needed that money so desperately, it was like manna from heaven when it arrived!
God gives everyone a chance at a new day!
An influx of well - heeled free - spending mainland tourists therefore seems just the ticket.
For your career, Betula forest without relying on heaven - sent, mainly by self - seeking.
适合你的事业, 白桦林不靠天赐, 主要靠 自我 寻找.
Your close to the heaven - sent oh, a good grasp!
注意你身边的天赐哦, 好好把握吧!
Yet the automobile was his bliss, and he followed it.
但经营汽车是他的天赐之福, 他一直坚持追随不放.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery and today is a gift.
昨日已逝, 明日成谜,今日天赐!
His philosophy can be summed up in three words : Follow your bliss.
Heaven gives life and earth provides the burial place.
Seeds are open - minded, drink a heaven - sent " holy water. "
种子们放开胸怀, 畅饮着天赐的 “ 圣水 ”.
Piper 300 Casts Master level Heroism, 1 x per day, 2 hour duration.
风笛手300施展大师等级的天赐神力, 持续2小时,每天施展1次.