
汉语拼音:mài yā



    • This period of hypotension is usually associated with bradycardia, decreased pulse pressure, and decreased cardiac output.


    • Arterial disease in which chronic high blood pressure is the primary symptom.


    • Arterial pressure is the product of cardiac output and vascular resistance.


    • In CAPD patients , female patients had higher AIx than male patients.


    • The SBP 、 DBP 、 PP were recorded.


    • Self - correlation detection technology has been far riper, and PC radar's self - correlation output has representative characters.

      自相关检测技术是一种比较成熟的技术, 同时脉压雷达信号自相关输出具有典型特征.

    • PowerLab physiological system measured carotid pressure and limb II ECG during 120 - min SO.

      PowerLab生理 记录系统检测SO120min颈动脉压和肢导心电.

    • Two types of information the JVP thethe wave form and the central venous pressure ( CVP ).

      颈静脉搏动 ( JVP ) --颈静脉搏动可提供两类信息:波形特性和中心静脉压.

    • Mean arterial pressure and body mass index were entered in the multiple regression models.


    • Systole presses heighten, diastolic pressure drops, pressing of arteries and veins also increases accordingly.

      收缩压增高, 舒张压下降, 脉压也相应增大.

    • Additionally low arterial pressure triggers an adrenergic response with sympathetic - mediated vasoconstriction and often increased heart rate.


    • Because of its simple and mature technique, two - phase code signals become the common pulse - compress radar signals.


    • Objective This subject sought to investigate the relationship of hepatic venous flow ( HVF ) and central venous pressure ( CVP ).

      目的研究肝静脉血流 ( HVF ) 与中心静脉压 ( CVP ) 相关性.

    • Objective To evaluate vascular sclerosis of hypertensive patients with pulse pressure index ( PPI ).

      目的探讨脉压指数 ( PPI ) 评价高血压患者血管硬化的价值.

    • AIx in > 65 years old group were significantly higher than < 65 years old group ( P < 0.05 ).
