
汉语拼音:jī dǐ dòng mài




    • Method: The models were made by coagulated basilar artery at two points.

      方法: 应用两点电凝基底动脉的方法制作鼠脑干缺血动物模型.

    • Nape needle can obviously ameliorate blood supply of vertebra basilar artery.


    • The prognosis in patients with basilar artery occlusion is very poor.


    • MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Typing of structural abnormity of vertebrobasilar artery system.

      主要观察指标: 椎基底动脉系统血管结构异常分型.

    • Is Intra - Arterial Thrombolysis the Treatment of First Choice for Basilar Thrombosis?

      动脉内溶栓是基底动脉血栓形成的首选治疗方法 吗 ?

    • Transcranial Dopper ( TCD ) was performed to detect the spastic of rabbit basilar artery ( BA ).

      运用经颅多普勒 ( TCD ) 观察兔基底动脉 ( BA ) 痉挛情况.

    • Neural symptoms were observed after basilar artery occlusion.


    • How is vertebra base artery is not worth for blood to return a responsibility?


    • Objective To explore the clinical efficiency of betahistine hydrochloride on vertebrobasilar artery insufficiency vertigo.


    • Objective : To observe effect on blood flow of brain stem after basilar artery occlusion in rats.

      目的: 观察大鼠基底动脉闭塞后对脑干血流变化的影响.

    • We report a case ofassociation with two aneurysms successfully treated with Guglielmi Detachable Coils ( GDCs ).


    • In recent years, increasing researchers have begun to attempt to treat basilar artery stenosis with stenting.

      近几年, 越来越多的研究人员开始探索性地采用支架置入治疗基底动脉狭窄.

    • Mean velocity ( Vm ) in vertebral arteries ( VA ) and basilar arteries ( BA ) were measured using transcranial doppler ( TCD ).

      采用经颅多普勒 ( TCD ) 脑血流分析技术测定两侧椎动脉 ( VA ) 及基底动脉 ( BA ) 平均血流速度 ( Vm ).

    • Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of Tongluodingxuan decoction on dizziness due to vertebra - basilar artery insufficiency.

      目的观察自拟通络定眩汤治疗椎 - 基底动脉供血不足性眩晕的疗效.

    • Multiple aneurysms at the site of a basilar artery fenestration ( BAF ) are extremely rare.
