
汉语拼音:yú wěi wén



  1. 人的眼角与鬓角之间的皱纹。一般从中年就开始出现。

    姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第一章:“﹝ 崇祯 ﹞原来白晳的两颊如今在几盏宫灯下显得苍白而憔悴,小眼角已经有了几道深深的鱼尾纹,眼窝也有些发暗。”《人民文学》1978年第4期:“抬起头来仔细打量:脸色比过去健康,两鬓却已经斑白了,眼梢上有了鱼尾纹。” 贾平凹 《妊娠》第三章一:“随着鱼尾纹悄没声息地爬上眼角,她愈来愈怀念 玄虎山 。”


    • There were fine wrinkles around her eyes.


    • How ability purify black rim of the eye, pouch and end grain!

      怎样才能去除黑眼圈 、 眼袋和鱼尾纹呢!

    • How grain of purify end?


    • He had his feet up on his desk, and was reading a novel.

      他是个肥胖、邋遢的男人,头发灰白,眼边尽是鱼尾纹, 举止老派.

    • Objective : To remove glabellar frown lines and crows lines using brow lift which improve beautify face.

      目的: 利用抬眉术切口,去除眉间皱纹及鱼尾纹,提高面部年青化手术效果.

    • A specially designed eye mask intended for use after cosmetic eyelid surgery ( blepharoplasty ) assists patient recovery.

      一种特殊设计的眼罩可用于辅助眼睑的整容手术 ( 眼袋或鱼尾纹去除术等 ) 后的恢复.

    • Which is enough to make the average healthy - living woman wince while inspecting her own wrinkles.


    • And with age, peers, as some of them high school students, and some even Yuwei Wen - sheng.

      而随着年龄的增长, 同龄人中, 有的还像高中生, 而有的则鱼尾纹纵生.

    • Objective: To perform the rhytidectomy of the lateral canthus in combination with blepharoplasty for aged persons.

      目的: 对中青年眼睑整形受术者提供同期外眦鱼尾纹除皱手术方式.

    • Effectively remove crow's - feet, pouches, black circles, prevent lips from dryness and moisturize skin.

      有效消除鱼尾纹 、 眼袋 、 黑眼圈和防止唇部干裂,给予特别滋润.