Squirrels himself in different ways, including the crash, hanging, self-immolation, the next . . . help smooth squirrels.
松鼠以不同方式自尽,包括撞车、下油锅…帮助松鼠顺利的玩完。She tossed the garlic in the hot oil which bubbled in a loud, angry sound. "So many spots on his face, " she said.
她把大蒜扔进了烧热的油锅里,滚烫的油就发出了愤怒的响声。“他脸上的粉刺太多了,”她说。But I know I love you, and if I have to do this all over again, I will still go through hell just so to prove I am for real.
但我知道我很爱你。如果今天要我重新开始,我会毫不犹豫的上刀山下油锅的跟你证明我对你的一片心意。We realize we've jumped out of the frying pan into the fire, so we don't feel relaxed at all.
我们意识到自己刚出油锅又跳进了火坑,所以感觉一点儿都不轻松。In Panic, he began to throw water on the burning saucepan of oil.
慌乱中,他开始用水浇起火的油锅。The movie cowboy was out of the frying pan into the fire . After he escaped from the robbers , he was caught by Indians.
电影里的牛仔才出油锅又入火坑,他从强盗那里逃出后,又被几个印度人抓走了。to be eaten by rats , or boiled in oil , or pulled apart by wild horses - that would be unpleasant.
让老鼠吃掉,用油锅熬煎,被烈马分尸-这些都是不好受的。The frying custom originates from the Kwangtung Province and is particularly popular among the people of the pearl river estuary.
这种开油锅的风俗起源与广东省境内,特别盛行于珠江三角洲一带的民间。However, the festival's organizers have assured the Germans that Paul will not finish in the pan, but become the face of their festival.