A middle - aged person is between forty and sixty years old.
中年人 是指40到60岁之间的人.
The colonel was a middle - aged man , grey and hard and tired - looking.
上校是个 中年人, 脸色阴郁而严峻,神情很疲乏.
I hadn't then begun to acquire a middle - aged spread.
那年月我还不象一般 中年人 那样开始发福.
The midcareer program helped to smooth the way.
One of the watchers, this time a middle - aged man , handed him a five - cent piece.
这一回是个看热闹的 中年人, 递给他一枚5分的镍币.
To the eyes of the middle - aged , Bathsheba was perhaps additionally charming just now.
在 中年人 的眼中, 巴丝谢芭现在也许格外楚楚动人.
Marigien Migraine headaches are among young adults and middle - aged people .
偏头痛在年轻人和 中年人 之间最为普遍.
How come everyone in our company is middle - aged stuffy?
为什麽我们公司都是一些古板的 中年人?
The middle - aged man was no less a person than the new minister.
He was a folksy aged man, who had studied in Czechoslovakia once.
那是位待人和气的中年人, 留学捷克斯洛伐克.
Kemble middle - aged , tall and thin, looked the typical Europe.
肯布尔是 中年人, 瘦高个儿,是典型的欧洲人的样子.
There is a high incidence of heart disease among middle - aged people .
中年人 的心脏病发病率很高.
Middle - aged , tall and thin, he looked the typical Shanxi farmer.
他是 中年人, 瘦高个儿, 是典型的山西农民的样子.
There were middle - aged men in blue wigs. For practice.
If they are just like us, they are not middle - aged.
要是像我们一样, 他们就不是 中年人 了.