America provides the brushes, oils, pigments, and the canvas on which you can paint your life as you want it to be.
美国,提供画笔、油彩、颜料和画布,你可以在上面描绘你希望的生活。If you asked me for my dream photo shoot, I'd be in a treehouse, in a wild costume, war-paint and I'd be playing with my pet dragon.
在那之前如果你问我梦想的照片拍摄,我会希望在一个树屋,穿着野外服装,涂上油彩,与我的宠物龙一起玩。They want on my face besmear makes the greasepaint, let me also don't recognize myself, I said, "no, no, no. "
他们要在我的脸上涂油彩,让我自己也认不出自己,我说:“不,不,不。”Theatrical make-up and artificial blood had been used to make the injuries look realistic.
用于化妆的油彩和人造血使的创伤非常逼真。In the final battle sequence, Neytiri has a white hand print on her chest as part of her warpaint.
在最后决战的场景中,Neytiri的胸口有一个白色掌印,那是她战斗油彩的一部分。Some of us were really dressed up in cool gear. Jesters hats, faces painted and Bulgarian and Irish Quidditch tops.
有些人打扮得很酷——头戴小丑帽,脸上涂着油彩,保加利亚和爱尔兰的魁地奇比赛更是出色。blood had been used to make the injures look realistic.
演戏化妆用的油彩和人造血使伤处显得逼真。Finally one day he gave me a small box and plate, a few brushes and partially filled tubes of oil colors.
终于有一天,他给我一块调色板,一个小画箱,几支画笔,和几管半空的油彩。Encourage the children to watch games, dress in the colours of your team or paint your faces.